These are selected products, reviewed by myself, that I've liked. So, I've landed them and decided to sell them.

All prices are in $US.

Chris Hames' PC-Task 3.1 IBM emulator is available for the rather low price of US$110.

PC-T 3.1 offers 286-level compatibility, video displays up to SVGA with support for many popular graphic card systems including CyberGraphics, and a built-in BIOS.

Orders will be drop-shipped from Wonder Computers, North American representatives for Quasar Distribution products.

Credit card or money order/postal cheque accepted to Jason Compton.

John McDonough's The Music Maker, a Contemporary New Age CD composed on the Amiga, is available through Amiga Report.

The crisp, clean sounds and calm melodies present a welcome alternative to many pounding alternatives.

Available for US$12.00 plus $3 shipping in the US. Non-US orders, please contact before ordering. Check or money order accepted addressed to Jason Compton, shipments made by the artist.

|                                | Issue    | Approximate  | Amiga Report |
|           Product              | Reviewed | Retail Price | Reader Price |
|                                |          |              |              |
|Swifty 3-button mouse           |   2.28   |    $39.95    |    $22.75    |
|                                |          |              |              |
|GPFax Amiga Fax Software        |   2.30   |   $100.00    |    $60.00    |
|    (Class 1 and 2)             |          |              |              |
|                                |          |              |              |
|Micro R+D CD-ROM Volume 1       |   2.25   |    $69.00    |    $30.00    |
|    (Includes early Transition  |          |              |              |
|    graphics converter and loads|          |              |              |
|    of artwork)                 |          |              |              |
|                                |          |              |              |
|Micro R+D CD-ROM Volume 2       |   2.26   |    $99.95    |    $46.75    |
|    (Includes entire Nature's   |          |              |              |
|    Backdrop series)            |          |              |              |
Orders may be placed via check, money order, or postal cheque, made out to Jason Compton. Visa/Mastercard accepted via post or E-Mail. No CODs.

Mail all orders to Jason Compton. Orders will be processed by Amiga Report and drop-shipped from Micro R+D.

In the US, add $5/$10/$20 for UPS shipping, ground/blue/red label, respectively. Overseas: It is recommended that you consider $20 to be the minimum cost for shipping. If you plan to order more than one item, E-mail for shipping cost.

Sidewinder's Future Shock II CD is now available through Amiga Report. Featuring 15 Amiga-generated tunes totalling 71 minutes, Eric Gieseke's work is captured on an Amiga-independent media.

Available for US$12.00. Please add $5 for shipping.

Make check or money order payable to Jason Compton. Orders will be drop-shipped from Sidewinder Productions.

For overseas orders, please contact through E-Mail before ordering.